Corporate Profiling

If you are a corporate executive or director and you deal with mergers and acquisitions, contracts, negotiations, and executive or managerial level disputes, you may be interested in achieving the psychological edge in dealing with these situations.

If you spend time wondering about the following questions prior to your corporate dealings and interactions, an FPA corporate profiler may be for you.

  1. How does this person analyze situations?

  2. How does this person problem solve?

  3. What is the degree to which emotions affect their decisions?

  4. How does this person interact with people to meet their own needs?

  5. What is this person's general purpose when he/she interacts with people?

The psychological edge increases the likelihood of achieving the outcome you desire. It allows you to achieve more positive outcomes efficiently that are mutually beneficial. If you have a better understanding of how your counterpart perceives interactions, you are less likely to say or do things that would result in a personality clash. When a personality clash takes place, it could shut a deal down, significantly hold up an acquisition, or result in losing an important executive. Having an FPA profiler to assist you with the psychological edge allows you to bypass fumbling through your own attempts to understand a counterpart, in order to get a deal done efficiently and with positive outcomes.


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